The Shin-Etsu Group has defined key ESG issues for practicing our Business Principle: The Group strictly complies with all laws and regulations, conducts fair business practices and contributes to people’s daily lives as well as to the advance of industry and society by creating value through the provision of key materials and technologies. Read more on our ESGs
Shin-Etsu is a strong supporter of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. In order to achieve sustainable development of human society and raise its quality of life while reducing the burden on the environment, it is crucial to maximize efficiency. The Shin-Etsu Group believes it has a significant role to play in this regard. Read more on the SDGs
At Shin-Etsu PVC we use our own creativity in finding reduction options and we exchange knowledge within the Shin-Etsu group. We also participate in the following European industrial initiatives:
Responsible Care
Operation Clean Sweep
Stuurgroep PVC & Ketenbeheer
Rethink Plastics